Saturday 30 August 2014

Hips Don't Lie

But they do hurt. 


Shakira, bringing the pregnancy glam.

This particular Pregnancy Pro has only just hit this weekend. And it's hit me hard. I was lying on the bed, pinning away quite merrily (trying to find neutral decor ideas for sharing a bedroom with a boy, it's actually way hard to make things look pretty AND masculine!?) and when I went to get up... I couldn't. The very bottom of my back was just locked. It hurt to try and roll over. It hurt to try and sit up. And then it hurt just to lie there. I felt like a little beached whale. And everyone else was asleep, so I was an abandoned, helpless beached whale. 

Ok I may have over dramatised that slightly. 

But only the abandoned, helpless, endangered mammal part. 

The pain was totally dramatic. 

And then in the morning I woke up and it felt like I had a dead hip. So I turned over (because this particular morning I was DETERMINED to have a lie in. And within 5 minutes the other hip felt dead. So, completely disregarding the beached whale situ 12 hours earlier - I tried laying on my back. Bump too heavy. Back ache. So I kinda just kept turning myself over until eventually I got up. 

But the hips still really hurt for a couple of hours. So I checked in with NHS online to see whether this is cosha (Being a completely naive first time mum I often have to check NHS or BabyCentre for reassurance that I'm not dying** - this is fine, and they usually placate me and I go happily back to my everyday potterings. However, I will say DO NOT go on to forums for reassurance. Because although they can be very helpful places to find people who may well be going through similiar symptoms, they can also be places full of complete scaremongery and ladies who may unfortunately be having some really rare difficulties - which you should not read because a) you will be scared of everything and b) you will just worry that every little symptom is the end of the world and who really had time for that?!) **This overly dramatic thing is a new phase I'm going through right now. I'm sure it'll totally pass. 

Anyway - NHS said yeahhhh it's completely normal and to ease hip pain it's helpful to lie on your side. 

Lie on your side. 

You know, where your really painful hips are. 


And actually as it turns out, it made me realise that 'Lie on your side' is pretty much the ONLY 'remedy' for anything achey that you get given. 

My back aches. 
Lie on your side. 
(The bump is too heavy and squishes your organs) 

My chest is tight and I can't breath easy. 
Lie on your side. 
(Apparently there's some vein or something that the bump squishes lying on your back) 

I feel light headed and a bit dizzy. 
Lie on your side. 
(Big vein thingy again) 

I'm having trouble sleeping. 
Like on your side. 
(Actually, I'm lucky enough to have a big pregnancy pillow and this does really work & make lying on your side pretty bearable. BNF brought it for me and I think he got it for a good price on Amazon. But apparently you can put normal pillows around you and between your legs and it helps too?)

My hips still hurt. But I'm coming round to accepting this as a given. Although I will say - kneeling on all fours for 5 minutes gives momentary relief. And I have read a couple of times that swimming, or just being in a pool is supposed to really help with aches and pains as it takes the weight off. So I'm going to give that a go too once we're all moved in.

Until then I shall do my best to channel Shakira glam... *snuggles on sofa and stuffs another fig roll in face*


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