Monday 27 April 2015

Yummy or Mummy?


No no, not that kind. 

More like this: 


Oh God bless Mrs Beckham. 

Being a mum is tough! Like, as if the daily grind of actually looking after your child isn't enough. It's like everyone expects you to just spring back into real life non-elasticated jeans. I don't think I've worn any non-elasticated clothes for nigh on a year! 

So thats a big adjustment. 

Sometimes I feel really good about myself because I've managed to find an entire outfit that doesn't have sick on it and brush my hair and maybe slick a bit of tinted moisturiser on and get into town - in one piece. Woah mama those days I feel like a million dollars! 

And then I get to town. And there are women in skinny jeans, wearing heels, pushing their prams with perfectly blow dried hair and a full face of glowing radiant make up. 

And I'm like, HOW?!?! 

Where do you put your child while you're blow drying your hair?! 

And you do, even though it's stupid, you do feel kinda crappy about yourself for a few minutes. Or I feel like, hmm maybe I'm not doing so well because I don't look like those women. 

That is stupid. 

I am aware of this. 

But everyone has moments. 

To be honest, I have only been blessed with these baby cuddles for 16 weeks. Which is NOTHING considering I carried the heffer for almost 41. 

And if you are a super yummy mummy who has blow dried hair and wears heels - power to you ladies. You have my respect. And awe. But if you're like me and you still feel a little bit tumbled and fuzzy, power to you also because this shit is hard. 

And I don't think babies care about whether you've got your shit together. Or if your hair is blow dried. As long as they can grab it and put in their mouth, you're good with them. 

Keep on keeping on. 
