Sunday 5 October 2014

12 Weeks To Go!


I have internet at home now - but no facility to post blogs. So we're still kinda working on that. But I'm back at Mrs Wobblys using her internet AND laptop again - and plus she has a big squishy armchair for me to sit in. And she feeds me. And there's cats to cuddle. So, we're not working on it too fast. 

When I first got pregnant, I saw all of these pictures like:

'First Trimester: Sleep all the time, feel like crap. Second Trimester: Feel amazing!! Pregnancy is so great!! Third Trimester: Get. This. Baby. Out. Of. Me.'

Now I was quite lucky (in a way) that I didn't find out I was pregnancy until I was almost in my second tri, and I didn't have any sickness - just nausea and feeling sleeping alllllllll the time. And then I had the bestest second tri ever! I felt so amazing, I actually felt 'blooming', I felt full of energy, my hair got thick and glossy, my skin got all clear and lovely - all in all, I felt really good and I was so in love with my pregnancy. 

And I just thought - oh my god how could anyone ever not love this?! This is the best! 

Now. I am only just into my third tri. And don't get me wrong - I'm still so in love with being pregnant. And I'm so happy and I still feel very blessed and excited. But oh my goodness. 

Let me just show you this picture:- 

Ok ok. This may be a slight exaggeration. But honestly - OUCH!! My hips hurt whichever side I lie on, so I have to turn over nearly as many times as I have to pee in a night. And believe you me - turning over when you have a big ole bump is no easy feat in itself. 

My feet are like water balloons. I didn't even know they could get that big!!! And the skin goes all tight and feels sore. So you have to sleep with them on three pillows just to make them go back to normal. So now, not only does BNF share the bed with me and my pregnancy pillow, he also has to have 3 pillows at the end of my side of the bed which if he moves at all with his feet - I cry. The poor boy. 

I can't walk up the stairs at work so fast anymore and not without getting out of breath. I have to stop and let people go past me who are in a hurry. I apologised to one of my Directors this week and explained that I was an overweight tortoise. He laughed kindly. But it's true I'm telling you. But I refuse to take the lift.  While I can still walk - albeit at the rate of an 80 year old - I am walking.

I never even realised that I had a tailbone before. Never occurred to me or bothered me at all. And now it hurts. All. The. Time. 

I have a beautiful Michael Kors watch that I can't wear anymore. Because my wrists are too swollen. Mrs Wobbly called me 'Fatty Arm Buckle'. I'm gonna make my baby poop on her. 

Shaving my legs. Wowzers. This has taken on all sorts of new yoga-spheric connotations. In fact anything that used to involve standing on one leg. Putting on pants - have to sit down. Putting on shoes - have to sit down. Painting toe nails?! Don't even... Let the little Chinese man do it. Or if you think the skills are there get the other half to have a go. I'm not sure BNF deserves that pressure. 

As for the bikini line. I actually can't see it. The bump is totally out now. In fact - I can't even see my toes standing up!! So that has kind of turned into some sort of really warped guessing game / memory test. I actually found a picture that really made me laugh the other day...

They are not even lying. 

And now I only have about 4 things in my wardrobe that fit. Or rather, that fit and looks socially acceptable. 

And all of a sudden I'm like I have 12 weeks (in theory) until this little bundle of cute kicks is born and I haven't painted the the nursery or got all the furniture ready and I haven't brought a car seat and how my god do you even know how many types of those things there are?! And I haven't even got a clue about baby monitors like you need a degree to figure out all the different types and I need to pack WHAT in my hospital bag?! And then I have a rare blood type so I had to go get jabbed which hurt - alot - and then heart burn - oh my GOD heart burn is hurts so much!! And reflux?! What even is that?! I wasn't sick at all in the beginning why do I have to have reflux now!? 

Yeah. Brain breakdowns. I also have those. And they come thick and fast. And then I just cry for no reason. And in the space of about seven minutes I go to complete psycho killer mode. 

So. In brief. If you are quite early on in your pregnancy and you are having a ball - a) well done, and congrats and b) do NOT mock the people who are in their third tri or have been through it already. They DO know what they're talking about. And you WILL go through it. And the ladies who have come out the other side, WILL laugh at you. (NB. this will be me) 

I am enjoying my pregnancy. I just can't wait for this little guy (or girl) to get out here and give me a big ole squish. But until he's (or she's) completely cooked and ready I will happily cuddle BNF in the time being. 

I leave you with another picture that made me laugh a lot...

That will be me tomorrow morning. 

Ciao bellas! 
