Sunday 29 May 2016

Who Is Fabulous Malibu?

Aloha gorgeouses!

It must be that time of year again when I remember that I started a blog…!!! Oh my goodness isn’t being a mum and working full time and trying to maintain healthy relationships with your partner / family / friends and trying to work out to fit back into any of those clothes in the suitcase marked ‘Pre-Preggers Size’ whilst still trying to find time to watch ANY OLD RUBBISH on the tele TOUGH?! Oh and then like trying to keep your house clean and you mustn’t forget you’re not a good person unless you ‘food prep for the week’ … Best I find someone who can fit me another 12 hours into my day!

Nevertheless, amongst all of my other to-do list items, I am going to try and blog again too.

I do not promise any consistency.

Or good content.

So we’re clear from the beginning! And actually I thought that might be a very good place to start (no singing Sound of Music fans, control yourselves please).

For anyone new, or relatively new, to me and my social media persona – or anyone who’s been around for ages and just thinks – why the heck is she called Fabulous Malibu!? I thought I’d write a brief introduction to me, Malibu.

I started using Twitter almost 7 years ago as a very self conscious 22 year old (please don’t do the maths) and Fabulous Malibu was born! I don’t even remember how the name came about. I wish I had some inspired tale to tell you. But I really don’t. And I mean really, how inspired does Malibu Barbie sound?! Come along now. I had no private or personal information on my twitter profile, not even a real picture. I had this fab picture of one of the MAC Barbies:
Ah, memories.

Not because I was a horrible old troll or anything! Just because I didn’t particularly like being Rachel at that time. I was in a bit of weird place, just come home from uni without having finished my degree. No real life plan, no real direction. Didn’t know who I was or what on earth I was doing. So on twitter I was Malibu. My fab little alter ego. And she WAS fab! She was confident, and funny (I mean like, as I remember her. Any twitter followers might’ve thought/ might still think I was really lame. But I’m going with a very heavily biased viewpoint here). And twitter provides a really great community of people that you come to love talking to. And there are so many different little communities! I used to have a lot of trouble sleeping (I’m sure I’ve posted about that before maybe here?) So I used to talk to an amazing group of ladies in Australia – beauty blogging, sassy, gorgeous and lovely they were. And around at the right time when I wasn’t sleeping and didn’t have anyone UK based to talk to! The Glasto / Twisto community were my first group of truly, utterly, lovely people. And I’ve never even been to Glastonbury. Never met any of them. But they have always been the most lovely people. And it was a lovely lady called Nina who sent me a private message saying that she was having a discussion about whether my profile pic (of above mentioned MAC Barbie) was real – and then encouraged me to put a real one up and stop being so stupid. So I did. And then over the next 6 years or so I guess Rachel and Malibu have just kinda merged into one! And I love it! I mean like, introducing myself to ANYONE I only know from social media can kinda be a bit awkward. Hi I’m Fabulous Malibu! But hey, we go with it.

So that’s me! And I will try and get my blog back on it’s feet, but as before, no promises J

Just recently lovely Amber said to me that she read one of my posts and it made her feel better like she wasn’t a crazy person. And that made me happy. So I’m gonna do some more of that hopefully. I mean she was really drunk – but I’m still holding her to the sentiment haha.
Big loves,