Sunday 14 September 2014

Good Housekeeping

This is not what our little house looks like. 

Although, we are in a maisonette and we have 2 flights of stairs to climb, so sometimes - it does feel like it looks like this. 

But we LOVE it. And now all the furniture is in and we have lavish finishings (curtains from the discount table in Dunelm Mill - seriously like nobody even told me how expensive curtains were?! What even is that - everyone needs them?! They're just material that hangs at the window?! Craziness. Pure lunacy.) and we have food and pretty candles it all looks quite homely and lovely you know.

And I must admit that even though I thought I would hate the PlayStation coming in; I actually kinda love it. 

We don't do this. 

Mostly because he hasn't brought any girl friendly games. They're all football or zombies or such. He attempted {painfully} to teach me how to play FIFA. Which resulted in his goalkeeper coming all the way out to score a goal while I was just sort of pirouetting on the spot. So I've decided I don't like that game. Oh and GTA. I don't understand that either. Just keep crashing into trees and the like.

BUT anyway enough of my skills or lack thereof. I do love the console because living with a boy is kinda overwhelming sometimes. Especially for someone who enjoys their own company like me. If the PlayStation comes on, he will sit - ENTIRELY content, quiet (NB. Unless this involves FIFA where there will be some shouting), completely still for HOURS. And you can do anything. Paint your nails. Try a new recipe that requires concentration. Have a bath. Sleep. Oh my goodness it's just lovely.  

We've only had one moment close to breakdown. With sleeping on a new mattress and just the sheer energy consumption of the move my hips and my back have been so painful and I hadn't been sleeping well AT ALL. Then one morning I think I must have been close to tears and had a mental breakdown because BNF had done something ridiculous like put his towel on the wrong hook and he said - Shall we go and get your pregnancy pillow from mums later? And I honestly have never loved him so much in my whole life. And I made him promise to not make one tiny comment about how much space it takes up in the bed (which he has kept to, kindly) and that night I slept and I didn't get stuck on my back and and I didn't cry and there was peace in the world. And he is my favourite most wonderful boy on the planet. 

I'm actually quite happy at how much we're enjoying living together. And it will be really nice to have some time in our own space before Bubba comes along and we are sharing that space with the little wriggler! 

I'm not happy about the lack of wifi at the moment - I actually think I might have had a dependency problem that I wasn't entirely aware of. But it is booked in with the engineer for a week and a halves time. And until then I have the fabulous Mrs Wobbly to gate crash and BNFs mums house and raid their wifi (and if we're lucky they even feed us too!) God Bless those mothers. 

I'm not sure when I will have internet again to blog and I'm not sure if I even remember what it was I wanted to blog about (I did write it down somewhere) but I will be back soon! 


Thursday 4 September 2014

Let There Be Sleep

This picture, sums up my entire being so much better than I could ever do with words!

Actually - I am in the mood for people, and I'm very happy actually, but sleep - oh my goodness sleep - I am soooo in the mood for that!!

We picked up the keys to our little home on Sunday and somehow, without even knowing it, Thursday is here and the week is kicking my butt.

However, I do have tomorrow off work and we are going to spend the entire weekend setting up house and making everything pretty so hopefully by the end of this weekend things will be slightly calmer *she says with a hint of naievity and a dash of desperation*

So I might go M.I.A for a while but I have tons of stuff in my brain that needs bloggifying so I'll be back next week!
