Wednesday 13 August 2014

Ooh Baby Baby!

Aloha bunnies! 

Soooo yes BigNoseFrank & I are expecting a tiny little bubba! So again, I apologise for disapearing off the face of the planet again but there has been a slight roller coaster of crazy going on! 

Bubba is due on Boxing Day :) and we have no idea of the sex officially although I'm pretty convinced that it's a boy! I can't tell you why - and I'll probably be wrong haha! But I just feel like it's a boy. 

Now, being pregnant is THE bestest feeling in the world. BUT, when you are not married, still living at home with your parents and your boyfriend (however wonderful he may be) is 4 years younger than you... a positive pregnancy test might just come as a bit of a shock to you. 

However - I am a firm believer that everything happens for a reason; even when that reason is seemingly non aparent! "Unknown to you, the Universe is unfolding as it should." <-- This is the vibe I'm going with right now anywho. 

But since June, having ridden the roller coaster and survived the shock and cemented our relationship - we're actually over the moon and so blessed to be expecting and very excited to start the next Chapter of our little adventure :) 

However as a girl who is the first of my school friends to have a baby I have some things that I need to share with you other ladies who are expecting / hoping to have a little one soon that they just don't tell you... 

- Everyone over the age of 38 will say 'Oh well done!!' to you on learning that you are carrying a baby. Like you've passed some sort of fertility test of life. Just smile and wave. It's an oldy thing. 

- For the first 12 - 15 weeks you will just sleep. And eat. (And maybe be sick, I *touch wood* have had no sickness - but I don't wanna sell ya up the river on that one) I actually didn't find out I was pregnant until I was 9 weeks. But looking back, there was a Saturday where I REFUSED to get out of bed, and only did so at 2:30pm on the precis that BNF would take me to McDonalds and get me chicken nuggets. HOW we didn't guess it I will never know. 

- You will only feel comfortable in your old bare thread flip flops. Your swollen feet will fit in your beautiful closed wedges for about 2 hours and then will bust outta them bad boys like elephant feet. 

- When people learn you are pregnant, any sign of emotion you show is just "hormones". It does not matter that they have behaved like complete butt munches and were super horrid, you're "just hormonal". {NB. This may actually be true, but your hormones will make you feel sensitive to it anyway} Also - your new found hormonal surges will enable you to go through a range of On Top Of The World Happy As Larry - to - Bottom Of The Ocean Darker Than Dark - to - Psycho Bitch From Hell - to - Super Insecure Needy Emotional Wreck in the amount of time Mariah Carey can go through 5 octaves. And just as impressively.

- If you're like me, your bump won't show until about 20 weeks. You will go through this wierd chubby tummy phase and you will still be able to get away with your pre-pregnancy clothes for a while and then all of a sudden, seemingly overnight, you will not fit any of your clothes and your bump will be like a little football on your tummy. BUY maternity clothes. Even before you need them. Because you WILL need them. And when you wake up and none of your clothes fit and you have 20 minutes to leave the house - you will have wished you had maternity pants. Just Sayin. 

- Boobs. Oh my goodness. They will HURT. And they will just not fit in your bra anymore. And underwire? Oh my gosh... Underwire is like the infrastructure of hell right now. But actually, going back on what I just said (hormones, soz) you might not wanna run out and buy a maternity bra right away. Not just because those things are expensive, but also because these babies are just gonna get bigger so you might as well wait until you REALLY can't live without one. I am in love with a) a 'soft and comfy' bra that is made of super soft cotton and has no seems and b) a strapless bikini top that is 3 sizes bigger than my usual dress size. Hey, when you want comfort you will. not. care.

- Do you sleep on your back? I used to. However I started to get real bad pains in my kidney area and I was having trouble breathing. So I went to my midwife who was like ooooh yeahhhh you can't sleep on your back really because the weight of your bubba is crushing your organs and there's this super important vein thing that it leans on which restricts the blood flow which is probably why your chest feels tight. Wicked. Thanks mid wifey. So after a couple of weeks trying so hard to learn to sleep on my side, BNF brought me a pregnancy pillow. O.M.G. it is THE best present he has ever brought me. Some people will tell you it's not worth the money, don't listen to those people you can find loads of them on Amazon and they are WONDERFUL. 

- Memory loss. Like, for real. Sometime I start a sentence and then just, completely forget what I was going to say. I go to town and forget what I went for. Even right now I'm struggling to remember what else I was going to put on this list. And then you will forget words. And either make up new ones in their place or just use completely incorrect ones. I told my mum that the nurse inspected my mole with a telegraph... It's cool. Mums have been there they understand. But people at work? They might just think you're crazy.  

And as I said, I cannot remember anymore this evening. So I shall retire. But if I remember what else I was going to say - I'll get back to you! 

Here's a pic of bubba blowing bubbles for ya. 

Big kisses. 


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