Thursday 28 August 2014

Summer Is Ending...

Well actually, knowing this country it'll probably be back at the end of September! 

But for now I'm getting ridiculously excited about Autumn! 

I love, double love, super love Autumn! Always have done. I also get ridiculously excited about Winter and all things Christmas (and this year - baby!) so take this as a gentle break-in for the crazed hype that will ensue towards the end of the year!

A few of the things I'm super excited about right now are... 

- Drinking hot chocolate with marshmallows 

- Movie night date nights 

- Pumpkin carving & Halloween 

- Firework night 

- Gingerbread peoples

- Going for cool walks with crispy leaves 

- Conkers 
- Starbucks dates 

- Curling up under a blanket 

- Big knitted jumpers. And scarves. And socks. 

- Lots of cuddling 
- Hosting my very first Thanksgiving (I am aware that this is not custom in the UK, but there's such a long time between firework night and Christmas that I need a stopgap celebration, and I like the sentiment and story behind Thanksgiving, so I'm making it a new Malibu Tradition!) 

So I am TOTALLY fine with the rainy grey days that have taken over this last week and the cooler weather (I have always been like this, but it is also true that the hot weather does not mix so well with pregnancy... and kinda leaves me feeling like a walrus abandoned in the desert. So not glam.) 

Plus I kinda like the idea of being able to start again. I love Summer just as much as the next girl, but this years has been a bit of a roller-coaster. We are hopefully *crosses everything and does a lucky dance* getting the keys to our little flat on Sunday, the last day of August. So for me, I personally cannot wait to start the new chapter, during my favourite time of year!

Bring on the new season! 


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