Sunday 21 December 2014

The Waiting Game


Good morning from a very quiet kitchen, way too early on a Sunday. 
Yes, Christmas is just around the corner and so is the arrival of our little bundle. We are a mere 5 days away from Due Date - and we are to squeeze in festive celebrations within that time also. 
So our "waiting game" isn't so much sitting twiddling our thumbs, but it is frustrating all the same!! 
This part of pregnancy is tough for those whose virtues don't reach patience (moi). Also for those people who like to be in control of a plan and timescale (also moi). And maybe those people who have anxiety and are fed up with hearing "well this might happen" and "it might be like this" or "everyone's different so you never do know" (definitely 100% moi). 
And you know, this tummy full of kicks and punches and I have been having deep & colourful conversations for 9 months now, we're totally friends already - I just need a big fat real true life look at their face cuddle. 
Maternity leave is something that nobody really preps you for. They all say - "oh my gosh this is the most wonderful time" and "enjoy the rest" and you leave work on a high thinking YES! This IS the best time and I am sooo gonna enjoy this rest!! Trust me, 2 days of resting and your brain is ready to get back into the real world. Trouble is, your body is loving the rest. So you're stuck with this desire to run around the house nesting, buy all the Christmas presents in one great big shop, strut around the house baking banana bread like you're some sort of example from 'Good Housekeeping' magazine - coupled with a body that just wants to sleep. And I swear, I don't know if it's because your body changes in late pregnancy all of a sudden or just because you stop rushing around at a million miles an hour but suddenly you actually physically cannot bend down to pick stuff up. You suddenly realise that it hurts when you can't get to the sink because your tummy is in the way. And you start getting out of breath and tired way more easily then before. Everybody just goes with "enjoy the rest" and forgets to add on the important "because you won't be able to do much else!" 
This took me a while to adjust to. I used to get quite uptight about rest days, feeling like I was being lazy or just not doing very well. I'm totally over that now. Growing an entire human being in your tummy is hard work! Which sometimes during the course of this pregnancy I have been guilty of forgetting - possibly because it's work that you can't see (apart from the rapidly growing bump of course). 
It has taken 3 weeks but my brain and body have come to an agreement on alternate busy & lazy days. And there are tons of things that you can still do on lazy days to keep your brain and body satisfied - I have become a little bit addicted to that Words with Friends game and Sudoku puzzles. But hey - it keeps me sane(ish). 
And having said all of that, I am still so thankful and happy that our little baby is still safe and well. As long as it stays that way, and as much as I hate waiting, bubba can arrive any time they like in my eyes. 
Now, the sun has finally come up and I need a refill of tea. Don't know if I will get a chance to blog again before Christmas - and there is a chance that Baby might be here before my next post!! Until then I shall be working on my patience... 
I hope that you have the most fabulous Christmas filled with love & light and shared with people that make you smile. xx

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